Training & Development


The Centre for Forensic Neuroscience offers a number of workshops periodically in the following specialized areas: Lie Detection: including the following topics-

  1. How to identify ‘hot spots’ to indicate lies;
  2. How to reveal hidden emotions in others;
  3. Non-verbal behaviors as indicators of deception;
  4. How deception manifests itself in a variety of contexts, such as intimate relationships and business.
  • Psychophysiological Detection of Memories for forensic and clinical purposes
  • Microexpressions
  • Identifying Hostile Intent
  • Cross-Cultural Sensitivity


We are affiliated to and official distributors of Humintell’s E-learning products, which are cutting-edge empirically developed tools for micro-expression recognition and training, as well as cross-cultural awareness.

Evaluating Truthfulness


Evaluating Truthfulness

Evaluating Truthfulness: Learn to identify when there’s more to the story than what’s being said, and gain the upper hand in interviews, interrogations, and negotiations. this will be of interest to Police interviewers, Security Officers, QCs, Lawyers, Negotiators, Human Resource Managers, and anyone encountering people face to face in their jobs. Webinar formats, both basic and advanced, are offered, together with actual on-line training and practice. To start your E-learning, click on the image.

Reading People and Their Emotions

Reading People and Their Emotions: Gain insights into what people are truly feeling, even if they are not aware themselves. This will be of interest to the Legal Profession, Counsellors, Psychotherapists, Social Workers, and Life Coaches. To start your E-learning, click on the image.

Reading People and Their Emotions


Improving Your Global Skill-set


Improving Your Global Skill-set

Interact more effectively with people from different cultures and achieve your goals. IntelliCulture is perfect for individuals who interact with people from other cultures: from the student studying abroad to the businessman engaging in international negotiations. Developed by Drs. David Matsumoto and Hyi Sung Hwang, two of the leading researchers in the field of cross-cultural psychology, this course will help broaden your understanding of culture and provide you with useful tips on how to leverage cultural differences to improve interactions with all people of all cultures. Click on the image to start your E-learning.

Identifying Signals of Deadly Intent

This is especially relevant to Police Officers, Security Officers, Military Personnel, Psychiatric Workers, Social Workers, Prison Officers, and Close Protection Officers. The Dangerous Demeanor Detector *patent pending* teaches you to recognize the facial expression of an individual who is likely to immediately become violent.

The D3 training tool consists of a baseline test, 6 instructional pages, a practice test with 40 images and a post-test. Based on years of research, it was sparked initially by materials provided by the U.S. Secret Service and recently completed with support from the US Department of Defense. Our research has involved law enforcement officers in five very different countries around the world, all of whom have been attacked physically, remembered the face of the attacker, and identified the expression that occurred just moments before the attack. The data show a high degree of agreement across the cultures and officers on the face of imminent assault. There may be still other facial expressions that signal a likelihood of violent behavior that we have not yet identified. To start your E-learning, click on the image.

Identifying Signals of Deadly Intent